Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year's Resolution # 2

Ok, I know we are about a 1/3 of the way through January, but I am still in the process of phasing in my New Year's Resolutions.  It takes time, ok?

Alright, I will share my 2nd & most important resolution.  Last but not least!


I will be honest here, I am FAT.  Well, maybe just overweight, but still.  I will share the big number, just for progress sake.  I am 5'3", & as my most recent weighing (today), I am at 164 1/2 #.  That is about where I was right before I had my first baby.  However, there is no baby here now, so what's the problem?  And, for being a registered dietitian myself, I know what to do, but just doing it is another story...

For my height, I should weigh about 115# based on the "Rule of Thumb", but I haven't been that since my freshman year in college, so that is a long-shot.  You can add 10% to that, so my goal is about 126.5#.  Arrgggh, I haven't even been that since later in college (after the "Freshman 15" & all that).  That gives me a grand goal to lose of about 38 pounds, but face it, I would be happy with HALF of that.

Here is the plan: I am going to radically change my eating habits.

I am going VEGAN!!!  It does seem like a long-shot, but I am challenging myself to try it for at least a month, & if I am still sane, I may continue on.  So far, so good, I made it through 1 full week as a vegetarian, & as of this evening, I made it through 2 days as a vegan.  That's right, no animal products whatsoever!

This resolution is such a sacrifice (for me, at least), that I decided to journal my "vegan adventures".  Please follow me along at "Dietitian on a Mission" http://dietitian-on-a-mission.blogspot.com/ for all the fun.  Of course, I will write not only from a personal view of my experiences, but also that of a nutrition professional, & hopefully, I will not only drop a few, get healthier, but also learn something new about a lifestyle, sacrifices, & new cuisine!

1 comment:

  1. My hubby and I had a vegan diet for about a month or so. I don't remember if I really lost weight, but I did feel much better and had more energy. I feel your pain about weight, I weigh more than I did even after I had my son!! I am having a hard time getting motivated to do anything about it though :(
