Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Return of Family Dinner Time

Who seems to have time to sit down to a family dinner around the dinner table anymore? 

Much less a home-cooked dinner, especially during this busy time of year.  Believe me, I am also one of the guilty ones- whether it's a combination of working late, after-work errands, kid's activities or sports, a favorite TV show, or you are just plain tired, it is easy to forgo the family meal.  Or maybe you are just not prepared to cook after your busy day at work? 

Here are some convincing reasons to move off the sofa in front of the TV and over to the table:
  • Children (and adults) who sit down for dinner with the family end up eating more fruits and vegetables (which means more fiber), less saturated fat, and have an overall healthier diet. This means healthier weights and leaner waistlines!
  • Sitting round the table gives you and your family a much needed opportunity to connect with loved ones and refresh after a busy day.  Your kids may also have had a very busy day, a bad, or a good day, and they need a chance to communicate with you. 
  • Set a good example for your kids: mealtime helps children learn good table manners and healthy eating habits.
Ok, so now you decided to give it a go (me too!).  If your family is not able to eat together every night, start by picking 1 night per week, and make it a standing appointment for all your family members to eat dinner together.  You can then work on building up to more nights per week. 

Of course we all would love to have a home-cooked meal, but it does take some planning and organization.  You don't want to be asked that famous question "what's for dinner?" and be left without an answer.  This is when it is easy to fall back into old habits, and grab the keys for fast food, which defeats the purpose of striving for a more healthy lifestyle and sitting at the table with your family!  (Ok, it is fine maybe once or twice a week to go for the fast food, but by all means, bring it home to eat at the table with your family!)

Here are some tips for a successful family meal:
  • Plan ahead: pick a day of the week that works for you to go shopping.  Pick a few recipes you would like to try, and make a list of the ingredients you need to make those meals.  If you feel in a brain crunch & are at a loss for culinary inspiration, most stores have "quick meal centers" that offer ideas and even have everything you need to make the meal! 
  • Make a menu, so you know what you are serving when (and so does everyone else!).  Put it in a place that is visible to the whole family for more inspiration and for something to look foward to.
  • Try to pick a day of the week to make a few items and freeze them.  Have some friends over and make a party out of it!  This can be fun and economical!
  • When cooking, think about making a double recipe and freezing the other for a quick meal.  Believe me, you will be happy you did! 
  • Don't forget the joy of the crock pot.  It is the best invention ever! 
Here are some quick stand-bys if you did not follow one of the above (and of course you did!):
  • Store-bought roasted chicken; a bag of frozen vegetables or salad; and a quick-cooking grain, such as quick-cooking brown rice make a quick meal in a pinch.  (Store-bought roasted chicken can also be very versatile in other recipes that call for chicken!)
  • Fast (not fast-food) tacos: Saute one pound of lean ground beef, season and serve with taco shells, salsa, shredded cheese (come on, go for the 2%!), pre-shredded lettuce and chopped tomato.  Can't eat tacos without Spanish rice?  Grab a bag of Ready Rice. 
  • Egg Beater Scramble: saute sliced bell peppers with mushrooms in garlic & olive oil, mix in canned black beans & pour in the egg beaters (don't even have to crack an egg!) Top with cheese.  This is great eaten plain or inside of a whole wheat or corn tortilla. 
  • Manwiches made with lean ground beef, on whole-wheat buns, mix in dark red kidney beans and shredded carrots for more nutrition & fiber (the carrots also give it a sweet taste).
  • Fresh pasta (also very quick-cooking!) and a jar of marinara sauce combined with that versatile roasted chicken from the store and a bagged salad.  Don't forget the wheat garlic bread!
  • Homemade pizzas: whole-grain English muffin, Boboli pizza crust, or whole wheat tortilla topped with marinara sauce and shredded reduced-fat cheese, add a salad or veggie tray. 
  • Bisquick chicken pot pie: the recipe is on the box, very easy & tasty.  I always have the ingredients for this ready for a last-minute meal that my kids love.

Ready to Stock Your Kitchen?

It’s easy to "whip up" a quick and healthy meal when you keep these basics on hand:
  • Eggs or Egg Beaters
  • Canned light tuna and canned salmon
  • Whole-grain breads (buy two and put one in the freezer)
  • Shredded cheese
  • Frozen or canned fruit and vegetables
  • Cereal (cold or hot)- cereal can also be crushed for breading chicken, & oatmeal can be used as filler for meat loaf
  • Frozen boneless, skinless chicken breast (look for the bag of individually frozen)
  • Canned beans
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Peanut butter or other nut butters
  • Milk
  • Olive oil
  • Marinara sauce
  • Pasta (fresh or dried)
  • 94% lean ground beef - buy a few and freeze
  • Bisquick baking mix - very versatile!
I hope I have helped to provide some inspiration to strive for more eating at home and around the dinner table.  Possibly a New Year's resolution?  

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